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How to Influence

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Date: Thursday 8th February 2024

Do you struggle to make yourself and your ideas heard?
Do you get frustrated by people often telling you no?
Or you would simply like to be more influential in different contexts?

This course is for colleagues of all levels who want to improve their influencing skills to achieve better results.

At the end of the course, you’ll be able to:

  • identify situations both internally and externally that are dependent on your influencing skills
  • recognise key models and how to utilise them to develop your influencing approach
  • explain how to use both non-verbal and verbal communication skills effectively when influencing
  • identify how to improve your own personal effectiveness when in influential situations

About the day

This is practical, interactive course delivered in partnership between West Midlands Museum Development and ted Learning. The day will be facilitated by Paul Hargreaves, an expert communication skills trainer, and two professional actors. We’ll explore some theory of communication and influencing and focus on how to have maximum impact by ensuring your body language and voice are congruent with the message you’re trying to deliver.

Through lots of practical and interactive activities, you’ll explore which approaches are effective in different situations and what works best for you, your influencing style and the factors that motivate others, supporting you to develop a flexible approach and become a successful influencer.

Bookings close: 5pm, Wednesday 17 January 2024

Maximum two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to delegates from non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation. 


This event will be held in Middleport Pottery’s Burgess Room. This room is located on the upper floor and is on the same level as the lift, and if therefore accessible to everyone. If you would benefit from any adjustment or support for accessibility, please answer ‘yes’ to the access requirements question on the booking form and email the WMMD team as early as possible stating the support you require. 

Dietary Requirements

A vegetarian buffet lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please let us know any allergies or dietary requirements on the booking form when you book your place.

If you can’t see the booking button this event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email

How to Influence
Thursday 8 February 2024, 10am-4.30pm
Middleport Pottery, Stoke on Trent ST6 3PE

If you can’t see the booking button, this event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email

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