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Stimulating Memories

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Date: Wednesday 15th February 2023

A course aimed at heritage staff/ volunteers or carers/ activity coordinators on best practice in collecting, sharing and recording people’s memories.

Run by Julia Letts. Julia is an oral historian and accredited trainer for the Oral History Society. She has also worked as a trainer with the Association of Dementia Studies and runs intergenerational projects every term in a local Worcestershire care home.  

This course is for heritage professionals/ volunteers, activity coordinators, care professionals or carers who want to learn more about:

  • How to run activities that involve stimulating people’s memories and past experiences
  • The best ways to gather people’s life stories
  • How to engage people and get them to reminisce and share stories
  • Oral history and how to record people’s memories legally and ethically
  • The online platforms ‘Know your Place Worcester’ and ‘Life Stories Herefordshire and Worcestershire’, both of which have been developed to stimulate and collect memories.

You do not require any previous experience to join this course, but places are limited, and we would expect people to commit to the session and be prepared to join in. The course would particularly suit people who want to develop their professional practice, learn new skills or share their existing experience in this field.

The course will be held online via zoom and participants are expected to have cameras on and engage in the practical sessions.

To book please email

0930 Introductions

0945 Who? Working with different communities including older people, children and people living with dementia.

10.00 Why? The therapeutic importance of stimulating memories. Differences between reminiscence, oral history and life story gathering. Examples and case studies including the ‘Life Stories Herefordshire and Worcestershire’ platform.

1015 Practical: discussion in groups about challenges. Feedback and solutions.

1045 Break

1100 Getting started. Formal and informal memory collection. Different ways of engaging people. Example – making use of the platform ‘Know your Place Worcester’

1130 Practical: using objects as a prompt. Practice story gathering in pairs in break out rooms. Evaluation of practical.

1215 Using collected memories. Examples of effective ways of sharing what you’ve collected.

1245 Review and questions.


Who should sign up to this course?

This course will be aimed at heritage professionals/ volunteers, activity coordinators, care professionals or carers who want to learn more about:

  • How to run activities that involve stimulating people’s memories and past experiences
  • The best ways to gather people’s life stories
  • How to engage people and get them to reminisce and share stories
  • Oral history and how to record people’s memories legally and ethically
  • The online platforms ‘Know your Place Worcester’ and ‘Life Stories Herefordshire and Worcestershire’, both of which have been developed to stimulate and collect memories.

You do not require any previous experience to join this course, but places are limited, and we would expect people to commit to the session and be prepared to join in. The course would particularly suit people who want to develop their professional practice, learn new skills or share their existing experience in this field.

The course will be held online via zoom and we would expect participants to have cameras on and engage in the practical sessions.

The course will run from 0930 to 1245, with a break in the middle.

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