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Essentials of Collections Care for Non-Conservators

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By ICON / Posted on Wednesday 22nd March 2023

From minor cracks in a objects to unprecedented water leaks, there are a huge range of conservation issues that can impact a heritage institution’s collection. But without a official conservator on board, what are the measures that a non-specialist can take to mitigate damages and keep a collection secure?

This course from the Institute for Conservation will provide an overview of the key aspects of collections care, and provide relevant conservation training for those working in heritage institutions who don’t currently employ a dedicated conservator.

Essentials of Collections Care for Non-Conservators

The course will take place over four sessions on Thursday 20 April, Thursday 27 April, Thursday 4 May and Thursday 11 May.  The first three sessions will take place over Zoom, and the fourth will take place in-person at Birmingham Museum Collection Centre.

Find out more about the course

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