Changing the World: Environmental Breakdown and Natural Science Collections

The NatSCA2021 conference will explore the role of natural science collections in addressing or engaging with one of the planet’s biggest issues – environmental breakdown; as well as sharing other exciting developments from the sector.

The conference will include an engaging range of keynotes, presentations, panel discussions, quick-fire ideas lightning talks and virtual tours.

More information and booking

Changing the World: Environmental Breakdown and Natural Science Collections

The NatSCA2021 conference will explore the role of natural science collections in addressing or engaging with one of the planet’s biggest issues – environmental breakdown; as well as sharing other exciting developments from the sector.

The conference will include an engaging range of keynotes, presentations, panel discussions, quick-fire ideas lightning talks and virtual tours.

More information and booking

#HeritageDigitalNow: Engaging Digital Audiences

This event will focus on how heritage organisations can engage their audiences online.

Key topics you can expect to hear about on the day:

Who should attend?

This event is open to the whole of the UK heritage sector, including charities, private, independent and voluntary-run organisations, but it will be particularly relevant for small to medium-sized organisations and/or those working with a small, or no, budget.

The Heritage Digital programme endeavours to be inclusive to as many heritage types as possible, but this event will be particularly targeted towards audience-facing organisations.

It is free to attend, and there are no limits on the number of attendees per organisation.

Sign up here.

1 April – #HeritageDigitalNow: Engaging Digital Audiences
9.15am-1.45pm, Online

Sporting Heritage Digital Conference

Join Sporting Heritage as it brings together key members from the heritage and sport sectors, along with sharing best practice case studies, providing hands on advice and guidance, and increasing the confidence and knowledge of those wishing to develop sporting heritage activity.

This year’s online Sporting Heritage conference will focus on two main themes:

Day 1: The Resilience and Sustainability of Sporting Heritage
Day 2: The Diversity of Sporting Heritage

Conference will explore these themes and share the impact of sporting heritage and the stories it tells, discuss how to engage greater support for the sector going forward, and how to support grassroots projects and collections.

For more information and to book your place click here.

22 -23 October- Sporting Heritage Digital Conference

Sporting Heritage Digital Conference

This year’s online Sporting Heritage conference will focus on two main themes:

Day 1: The Resilience and Sustainability of Sporting Heritage
Day 2: The Diversity of Sporting Heritage

Conference will explore these themes and share the impact of sporting heritage and the stories it tells, discuss how to engage greater support for the sector going forward, and how to support grassroots projects and collections.

For more information and to book your place click here.

22 -23 October- Sporting Heritage Digital Conference

Introduction to Accreditation

Have you considered joining the Accreditation Scheme?

Unclear on what it is, how it works, or what to expect?

Don’t know where to start or who can help?

Join West Midlands Museum Development (WMMD) for this 90 minute introduction to the UK Museum Accreditation Scheme.

This session will:

This session is aimed at museums that are not currently Accredited, but it may benefit individuals in Accredited museums who are unfamiliar with the Scheme.

No more than one delegate per organisation.  Priority will be given to delegates from non-Accredited and Working Towards Accreditation museums in the West Midlands.

The webinar will be live captioned.

All participants will receive a Zoom link to the training prior to the event. This will be emailed to the address given in your booking.  If you have not received an email one hour before the event please contact us.  You don’t need a Zoom account, simply follow the link provided and enter the password.

If the booking button isn’t visible the webinar is fully booked.  If you want to join the waiting list email

24 November – Introduction to Accreditation
2pm-3.30pm, Zoom

Sporting Heritage Digital Conference

Join Sporting Heritage as it brings together key members from the heritage and sport sectors, along with sharing best practice case studies, providing hands on advice and guidance, and increasing the confidence and knowledge of those wishing to develop sporting heritage activity. This year’s online conference will focus on two main themes:

Day 1: The Resilience and Sustainability of Sporting Heritage

Day 2: The Diversity of Sporting Heritage

Conference will explore these themes and share the impact of sporting heritage and the stories it tells, discuss how to engage greater support for the sector going forward, and how to support grassroots projects and collections.

To find out more and to book your place, please click here.

22 and 23 October – Sporting Heritage Digital Conference
Online Conference

Sporting Heritage Digital Conference

Join Sporting Heritage as it brings together key members from the heritage and sport sectors, along with sharing best practice case studies, providing hands on advice and guidance, and increasing the confidence and knowledge of those wishing to develop sporting heritage activity.

This year’s online conference will focus on two main themes:

Day 1: The Resilience and Sustainability of Sporting Heritage

Day 2: The Diversity of Sporting Heritage

Conference will explore these themes and share the impact of sporting heritage and the stories it tells, discuss how to engage greater support for the sector going forward, and how to support grassroots projects and collections.

To find out more and to book your place, please click here.

22 and 23 October – Sporting Heritage Digital Conference
Online Conference

Steps to Building Organisational Resilience – key things to consider

NCVO/Zurich webinar

Since the start of this year charities have had to deal with huge levels of change and the associated risks that this brings.  A move to an increasingly digital way of working and a reduction in funding caused by Covid-19, coupled with a challenging global risk environment, pose real risks to their long-term resilience.

To respond to future challenges, charities must be able to adapt to a changing environment.  This webinar will explore key considerations for making your charity resilient, including financial sustainability, reputation and governance.  It will also explore good practice and identify quick wins to support your charity’s continuous improvement.

For more information and to book click here.

2 December – Steps to Building Organisational Resilience – key things to consider

10.30am-11.30am, NCVO/Zurich webinar

Culture Geek Conference

Since 2012, Culture Geek has been bringing together the people who are at the forefront of digital transformation in museums, galleries, theatres, festivals, publishing and film.

Its events are packed with real actionable advice, giving you the knowledge you need to make more impact with your work.

This year Culture Geek will be bringing the conference direct to your computer.  Watch the talks live and then return to them with online access for 12 months.

To book click here.

20 November – Culture Geek Conference

10am-4.30pm, virtual conference