Dynamic Information for Dynamic Collections

Collections Trust Virtual Conference

This year’s Collections Trust conference explores an under-appreciated aspect of dynamic collections: dynamic information.  Without information to oil the wheels, doing just about anything with collections becomes more difficult than it should be.  How can we get this precious resource flowing more freely and realise the full potential of the collections we hold?

The conference will be held online over two afternoons.  The event is free and for more information click here.

1 & 2 October – Dynamic Information for Dynamic Collections

2pm-5pm, Collections Trust Virtual Conference

Chairing Essentials: chairing with confidence

Association of Chairs webinar

We know that the role of Chair although rewarding can be challenging.  Yet, many Chairs tell us that they have little time to reflect on the nature of their role and how to be effective.  This webinar will provide you with an overview of the role of Chair as well as practical guidance and tools to support you to be an effective Chair.

For more information about this webinar click here.

Future Chairing Essentials webinars can be found here:

1 October – Chairing Essentials: chairing with confidence

12.30pm-1.45pm, Association of Chairs webinar

EDI Bitesize: Why some staff do not declare disabilities

Wavelength webinar

At this EDI Bitesize session we will look at the delicate topic of encouraging staff to declare their disability in the workplace. This topic was chosen after seeing a form being prepared to send post Covid to returning staff asking them to confirm their disability if they are returning from shielding.

When you bite into this topic it brings layers of complexity relating to both the needs of your organisation and the rights of your employees.

This free to attend session will offer a 20 minute presentation on the legal, practices and challenges involved and provide some guidance on the topic of disclosure.  This will be followed by 20 minutes of Q&A and sharing best practice.

For more information and to register click here.

18 September – EDI Bitesize: Why some staff do not declare disabilities
10am-10.40am, Wavelength webinar

Copyright and Suppliers: How to get the rights you need in new digital content

Heritage Digital webinar

Most heritage organisations will work with external suppliers at some point to generate new content, support their online and digital activities, as well as help manage and provide online access to their collections.  Copyright issues will arise in any digital content creation, commissioning and use.  Therefore knowing what rights you have, how you can protect them and make the most of your investment, will be crucial.  In this webinar, you will learn about simple, practical tools and frameworks to get started on your copyright journey.

This session is most useful for anyone working in a heritage organisation who is responsible for managing suppliers/contractors or making decisions about how their organisation delivers programmes and activities.  It is particularly relevant for those working with collections-based heritage.

No previous knowledge of copyright is required.

For more information and to book click here.

17 September – Copyright and Suppliers: How to get the rights you need in new digital content
11am-12noon, Heritage Digital webinar

Heritage Volunteering Group West Midlands

Heritage Volunteering Group West Midlands is a regional networking group covering Birmingham, Black Country, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Telford and Wrekin, Warwickshire and Worcestershire.  The group is for anyone who works with volunteers in the heritage sector in the West Midlands.

Heritage Volunteering Group West Midlands meet quarterly to problem solve together, share best practice and learn from each other.  This will be a 40 minute session to check in and see how everyone is doing.  To attend this Zoom event or hear about future meetings please email Becky Benson.

This regional networking group is part of the national Heritage Volunteering Group (HVG) whose mission is to help you unlock the power of volunteering through collaboration and sharing best practice.  You can find out more about HVG here.

28 September – Heritage Volunteering Group West Midlands

2pm-2.40pm, Zoom meeting

Introduction to… NHS Test and Trace for the Cultural Sector

This free webinar session, part of The Audience Agency’s Bounce Forwards, offers managers in the arts, culture and heritage sector and visitor attractions an overview of the new NHS Test and Trace guidance – looking at the risks and opportunities it presents, and how it interacts with GDPR.

This workshop will cover:

For more information click here.

Getting Started with Data

Heritage Digital event

Even the smallest heritage organisations deal with surprising amounts of data in their services, fundraising, communications, research and other activities.  But knowing how to harness this information to improve decision making can seem daunting!  In this webinar, you will learn about simple, practical tools and frameworks to get started on your data journey.  Using real-life examples, we will show you:

For more information and to book click here.


Growing and Engaging Audiences Online

Digital Heritage project event

As part of the Digital Communications stream – which explores how to create engaging, inspiring, and compelling content – Media Trust brings you a webinar on Growing and Engaging Audiences Online with Kirsty Marrins.

Lockdown has heavily impacted the heritage sector these last few months, but as organisations begin to reopen, they will need to attract new and diverse audiences to their physical and virtual sites.  COVID-19 has meant that many events and services have had to rapidly move online.  Therefore, getting your message out to the right people, at the right time has never been more important.

Summer is usually the busiest time of the year for the heritage sector and getting the messaging and engagement right is going to be critical to re-building both individual organisations, as well as the sector as a whole.

With social distancing rules becoming the norm, heritage organisations, often busy spaces, will need to clearly reassure visitors they have measures in place to protect them.

As we know, there is a lot of noise and competition on social media – in this webinar, we’ll look at identifying your target audience, where you can reach them, and how to engage them with great heritage-orientated content.  As well as tips on how to build your following too, so you can continue telling your story.

In this webinar you will learn how to:

  • Identify your heritage organisation’s target audience
  • The best platforms to promote your heritage brand and reach your audience
  • How to grow your social media followers
  • Engage your audience with effective and engaging content about your organisation

For more information and to book click here.

Beyond Statements: Taking Action, a collaboration between Association of Art Museum Curators Foundation and Art Fund.

Beyond Statements: Taking Action, a collaboration between Association of Art Museum Curators Foundation and Art Fund.

Like Art Fund, the US based Association of Art Museum Curators Foundation (AAMC) is committed to supporting and promoting the work of curators and arts professionals through opportunities for networking, collaboration and professional development.

Through this partnership Art Fund and AAMC aim to provide a platform to advance the conversation on structural racism by joining together voices in the US and UK to explore how museums can follow up on recent statements of support with tangible actions to address racial diversity, equity, and inclusive environments.

They are pleased to be able to host the following speakers to discuss this critical issue:

There will be a 60-minute discussion, followed by an opportunity for delegates to ask questions in a 15-minute Q&A.

Please join in for this important conversation on Wednesday 1 July, 4.00-5.15pm. You can register via Zoom here: Beyond Statements: Taking Action

If you’re not able to join on the day, the webinar will be recorded and made available on their website after the event.

Coronavirus Conversations: Future of our Workforce Webinar

This free webinar is for individual, institutional and commercial members of the Museums Association who are interested in how the sector is responding to the Covid-19 pandemic and want to learn more about how museums will have to adapt now and in the future.

Join Sharon Heal, Director, Museums Association, in a panel discussion with Sara Wajid, Head of Engagement, Museum of London, Heledd Fychan, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales and Lucy Moore, Fair Museums Jobs, and Project Curator, Leeds Museums & Galleries, about how we maintain a radical and ambitious workforce in the context of job uncertainty and financial upheaval across the sector.

Delegates will be able to ask questions and share their own reflections and experiences.

Click here to book your place.

17 June – Coronavirus Conversations: Future of our Workforce