Roads to Recovery – AIM virtual conference

AIM’s first ever virtual conference draws practitioners, professionals, experts and policymakers together from across the cultural spectrum.

Roads to Recovery will consider the challenges and impact of the coronavirus outbreak on AIM members and on the wider museum and cultural sector.

The programme splits across two days, with day one (18 June) focused on the future and day two (19 June) considering the tools that will help us respond to that future.

For more information and to book onto sessions please click here.

Roads to Recovery – AIM virtual conference

AIM’s first ever virtual conference draws practitioners, professionals, experts and policymakers together from across the cultural spectrum.

Roads to Recovery will consider the challenges and impact of the coronavirus outbreak on AIM members and on the wider museum and cultural sector.

The programme splits across two days, with day one (18 June) focused on the future and day two (19 June) considering the tools that will help us respond to that future.

For more information and to book onto sessions please click here.

Building Organisational Resilience: things for small charities to consider

To mark policy day during Small Charities Week, NCVO will be discussing how small charities can build organisational resilience, considering the impact of Covid-19.

The Charities Aid Foundation, as part of their Resilience Programme, has identified six characteristics of resilience for small and medium sized charities. In this webinar, based on these characteristics, policy insights and practical tips will be shared to help strengthen and support small charities in such a challenging climate.

To register click here.

17 June – Building Organisational Resilience: things for small charities to consider
2pm-3pm, NCVO Webinar

Digital Access and Inclusion

This online workshop from Arts Marketing Association is for people who work in small to medium-sized heritage organisations who manage digital aspects of their organisations, including websites and online content.

What is it about?

This webinar will help you understand the most efficient and effective ways to make your website and online content inclusive for your visitors.

For more information and to book click here.

Disposals – livestream Q&A

Join Collections Trust, in association with the Social History Curators Group, for this live panel event which will discuss rationalisation within a social history context and answer your questions about disposals.

It will be streamed live via the Collections Trust YouTube channel on Friday 15 May from 11am.

For more information and to submit questions please click here.

If you can’t join in live, you’ll be able to catch up with the video after the event.

This event is based on a Social History Curators Group disposals seminar that was originally scheduled for March 2020.

Collections Care in Lockdown: 5 weeks on – livestream Q&A

Following on from a successful first Q&A in April, the Collections Trust’s collections care panel will meet again to discuss developments over the last 5 weeks, new resources, and to answer more of your questions.  For more information click here.

The event will be streamed live via the Collections Trust YouTube channel on Tuesday 12 May from 2pm.

Please use the click here to submit your question before 4pm on Thursday 7 May.

If you can’t join the Q&A live, catch up with the video after the event.

Heritage Volunteering Group – West Midlands online forum

The Heritage Volunteering Group’s (HVG) mission is to help unlock the power of volunteering through collaboration and sharing best practice. In this region HVG West Midlands is a networking group for anyone who works with volunteers. They meet quarterly to problem solve, share best practice and learn from each other.

HVG West Midlands is hoping to move their next regional forum meeting online, using Zoom. There is no fixed agenda for the meeting, but it will be an opportunity for participants to share experiences and concerns at this challenging time.

If you are interested in attending please contact Becky Benson for more details.

Future of Museums: Curation

This one-day conference, part of the Museums Association’s Future of Museum’s series, explores how curation is changing and discusses what tomorrow’s museum curators might look like or do.

The past few decades have seen a huge shift in our understanding of who or what a curator can be.

Derived from Latin word curare, meaning to take care, the traditional ideal of the curator as an esteemed academic is slowly dissolving, making space for a more inclusive approach that values lived experience, different perceptions and innovative new approaches.

For further information and to book your place click here.

25 March – Future of Museums: Curation
10.30am-5pm, Wellcome Collection, London

Working Internationally Conference: Soft Power in Turbulent Times

The conference will examine the variety of ways in which museums and galleries create and influence soft power.  You will hear from a range of representatives from museums and galleries, government agencies and NGOs to understand the interplay between policy, business and culture in the shaping of diplomacy.  The conference will also explore the relationship between soft power and museum sector issues such as decolonization and digital engagement.

The Working Internationally Conference is organised by ICOM UK and NMDC with support from the British Council.

For more information and to book click here.

12 March – 2020 Working Internationally Conference: Soft Power in Turbulent Times
11am-5pm, Leeds Art Gallery LS1 3AA

Sporting Heritage and the Armed Forces Showcase

Are you looking for new ways to use your military or sporting collections?  Through the Sporting Heritage and Armed Forces project,  Army Museums Ogilby Trust and Sporting Heritage have built on their existing partnership to develop a greater understanding of the relationship between sport and the armed forces in the UK.  Come and join them for the packed end of project showcase.

Those involved in the project have worked to preserve, protect and provide access to heritage related to sport and the armed forces.  By working together these collections have been opened up to new and different audiences.  At this event you can:

For further information and to book your place click here.

2 April – Sporting Heritage and the Armed Forces Showcase
10am-4pm, Heritage Quay, Huddersfield HD1 3DH