Museum Carbon Literacy training

Museum Development North West is running free online Carbon Literacy training aimed at museum professionals and volunteers on Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 May.

Sign up and learn about the ways that the carbon impact of museums can be reduced and how the influence of museums can be leveraged for climate action.

If you are planning on delivering Carbon Literacy within your museum using the Museums Toolkit, becoming Carbon Literate yourself is an essential first step – so don’t miss this opportunity!

The training consists of a pre-course activity (1.5 hours, to be completed between 3 and 9 May), an online session on 10 May (10am-12.30pm), and an online session on 11 May (10am-14.25pm).

Find out more and book via Eventbrite.

Engaging With Schools Network Meeting – The Wild Escape

This short and informal online session is a chance for museum staff and volunteers across the Midlands to come together to share ideas and learning.

The theme for this session is ‘The Wild Escape’. Alongside the usual chance to network and share recent experiences in delivering educational sessions with peers from across the region it will be a chance for delegates to hear about recent projects relating to the Art Fund Wild Escapes initiative. This is a major creative project for museums and schools inspired by the wildlife found in museum and gallery collections.

Aims of the session

This session will be hosted by Programme Facilitator Mary Sibson, Creative Learning Services.

The session will be run on the online meeting platform Zoom and details of how to join the session will be sent to delegates the day before.

Who is it for?

This event will be our first East and West Midlands-wide networking event as is open to all museum staff and volunteers from across the region. It is being run as part of the ongoing MDEM Engaging with Schools Network. This is a free to access network for museum staff and volunteers from Accredited museums and those working towards Accreditation. New members are welcome, and you can simply join the network by visiting the MDEM website.

Engaging With Schools Network Meeting – The Wild Escape
Tuesday 6 June, 10am-11.30am

The Arts Green Book: Sustainable Buildings seminar 2

Paddy Dillon and Lisa Burger of Renew Culture will set out the key principles behind the Arts Green Book. They will show museum and gallery organisations what they need do to make their building sustainable, and how to plan the process from identifying key actions and putting in hand easy wins, to programming maintenance and planning capital projects.

Seminar dates:

Tuesday 25 April, 2pm-2.45pm
Thursday 18 May, 9am-9.45am

To get log-in instructions, please email

Published in November 2022, The Arts Green Book : Sustainable Buildings is an initiative by the cultural sectors – working with sustainability experts Buro Happold and supported by Arts Council England and the GLA – providing free advice on how to ensure that cultural buildings can become energy efficient, and less reliant on non-renewable sources of energy.

The Arts Green Book: Sustainable Buildings seminars

Paddy Dillon and Lisa Burger of Renew Culture will set out the key principles behind the Arts Green Book. They will show museum and gallery organisations what they need do to make their building sustainable, and how to plan the process from identifying key actions and putting in hand easy wins, to programming maintenance and planning capital projects.

Seminar dates:

Tuesday 25 April, 2pm-2.45pm
Thursday 18 May, 9am-9.45am

To get log-in instructions, please email

Published in November 2022, The Arts Green Book : Sustainable Buildings is an initiative by the cultural sectors – working with sustainability experts Buro Happold and supported by Arts Council England and the GLA – providing free advice on how to ensure that cultural buildings can become energy efficient, and less reliant on non-renewable sources of energy.

SHCG Conference 2023

The Social History Curators Group (SHCG) conference has the theme of Activism and Professional Practice in the Changing World

Hear case studies from organisations who are involved in activism projects, take part in workshops designed to improve your confidence and practice, and discuss how social history can be at the heart of a changing world.

Find out more and book the SHCG conference.

SHCG Conference 2023
Friday 9 June, 9am-5pm
Thinktank, Birmingham B4 7XG

TEG Connects: Exhibitions, partnership and networking

TEG Connects: Exhibitions, partnership and networking
Monday 24 April, 10am-4.30pm
Maritime Museum, Liverpool L3 4AQ

The UK’s principal touring and partnership exhibition event.

Connect with colleagues nationwide to network and see the huge variety of projects, partnership opportunities and tours the sector has to offer, and to meet corporate members and suppliers.

Find out more about TEG Connects and book your ticket.

Essentials of Collections Care for Non-Conservators

From minor cracks in a objects to unprecedented water leaks, there are a huge range of conservation issues that can impact a heritage institution’s collection. But without a official conservator on board, what are the measures that a non-specialist can take to mitigate damages and keep a collection secure?

This course from the Institute for Conservation will provide an overview of the key aspects of collections care, and provide relevant conservation training for those working in heritage institutions who don’t currently employ a dedicated conservator.

The Essentials of Collections Care for Non-Conservators course will take place over four sessions on Thursday 20 April, Thursday 27 April, Thursday 4 May and Thursday 11 May.  The first three sessions will take place over Zoom, and the fourth will take place in-person at Birmingham Museum Collection Centre.

Find out more about the course

Manchester Museum Sector Showcase Day


The Sector Showcase at Manchester Museum is a special event offering professionals in the cultural sector and beyond the chance to come and visit the transformed Manchester Museum.

You’ll experience a tour of new and unique galleries, as well as familiar favourites, and hear how our 2023 programmes are supporting the museum’s civic mission and responding to the needs of our local and global communities.

You will have the opportunity to speak to colleagues in every team including Visitor, Operations, Learning, and Conservation. You may even get the chance to say hello to Murray the Museum Therapy Dog. You’ll meet some of our partners too, from environmental action charities to experts from our residential specialist college for neuro-diverse young people.

During the day, other museums from across the North West will also take to the stage to tell you about the important work they’re doing and what the future holds for museums and galleries.

It promises to be a wonderful day, bringing people together and sharing ideas.

Visit the Eventbrite page to book a free ticket

Heritage Volunteering Group West Midlands

The regional networking group covering Shropshire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Herefordshire, Black Country, Birmingham and Telford and Wrekin. The group is for anyone who works with volunteers in the heritage sector in the West Midlands. It meets quarterly to problem solve together, share best practice and learn from each other.

To attend this meeting and keep in the loop with all future meetings please email Becky Benson.

Heritage Volunteering Group West Midlands
Wednesday 19 April, 1pm-2pm
Online via Zoom

Museums & Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief: ‘How To’ Webinar

Join the Arts Council and RSM for a guide to the Museums and Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief (MGETR).

MGETR is the eighth in a series of creative reliefs introduced by government. It is designed to support organisations to create, and tour public facing exhibitions by helping them to recover some of their production costs.

You will find out:

The session will also cover the Arts Council’s step-by-step guide to developing a claim for the Museums and Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief and FAQs that address many common questions and misconceptions associated with the tax relief.

There is a two-year deadline to make a claim from the end of your financial year, therefore many organisations will need to submit claims before 31 March 2023, so join a webinar to find out how you can start to claim money back on your exhibition production costs.

Book a MGETR webinar