Getting to Know You: Understanding Museum Audiences

Visitor data and insight is a vital tool for museums that want to remain relevant and solvent – but ensuring it is collected and applied in a meaningful way is crucial.

This one-day conference from Museums Association will look at the latest approaches to visitor insight and share the methods that museums across the sector are using to connect with new and existing audiences. It will examine the role such data has in helping museums contribute to bigger agendas, from the climate crisis to decolonisation and anti-racism work. And it will share insights from funders about how impactful visitor research can make or break applications.

Find out more and book for Getting to Know You: Understanding Museum Audiences.

Getting to Know You: Understanding Museum Audiences
Thursday 28 April, 11am-4pm

Dynamic Collections and Kick the Dust

The British Museum National Programmes team is excited to be hosting a free online event in collaboration with the National Lottery Heritage Fund, discussing young people, collections and the process of making change.

The National Lottery Heritage Fund’s new Dynamic Collections campaign supports collecting organisations to become more inclusive and resilient. At the same time, the Fund’s Kick the Dust youth projects have now clocked up four years of experience, with lots of learning about involving young people in engagement, re-interpretation, and collections management.

This event will hear from three ambitious projects.

Find out more and book Dynamic Collections and Kick the Dust 

Friday 25 March, 11am-12.30pm

Digging Deeper: Representing Gypsy, Roma and Travelling Communities in Rural Museums

Rural Voices – The Rural Museums Network Seminar Series

Join the Rural Museums Network (RMN) for these monthly seminars to hear expert speakers and museum professionals share how rural collections and rural sites can better include a wider range of voices in the stories they tell.

These sessions are on the Zoom platform and are FREE for members (institutional and individual) and £5 for non-members.

If you aren’t sure if your museum is a member, please do contact RMN to check before you book

Find out more and book Digging Deeper: Representing Gypsy, Roma and Travelling Communities in Rural Museums, Friday 13 May, 3pm-4.15pm

Other events in the series

Digging Deeper: Telling the Stories of Rural LGBTQ+ Lives, Friday 11 March 3pm-4.15pm

Virtual Volunteering, Friday 8 April, 3pm-4.15pm


Virtual Volunteering

Rural Voices – The Rural Museums Network Seminar Series

Join the Rural Museums Network (RMN) for these monthly seminars to hear expert speakers and museum professionals share how rural collections and rural sites can better include a wider range of voices in the stories they tell.

These sessions are on the Zoom platform and are FREE for members (institutional and individual) and £5 for non-members.

If you aren’t sure if your museum is a member, please do contact RMN to check before you book

Find out more and book Virtual Volunteering, Friday 8 April, 3pm-4.15pm

Other events in the series

Digging Deeper: Telling the Stories of Rural LGBTQ+ Lives, Friday 11 March 3pm-4.15pm

Digging Deeper: Representing Gypsy, Roma and Travelling Communities in Rural Museums, Friday 13 May, 3pm-4.15pm

Digging Deeper: Telling the Stories of Rural LGBTQ+ Lives

Rural Voices – The Rural Museums Network Seminar Series

Join the Rural Museums Network (RMN) for these monthly seminars to hear expert speakers and museum professionals share how rural collections and rural sites can better include a wider range of voices in the stories they tell.

These sessions are on the Zoom platform and are FREE for members (institutional and individual) and £5 for non-members.

If you aren’t sure if your museum is a member, please do contact RMN to check before you book

Find out more and book Digging Deeper: Telling the Stories of Rural LGBTQ+ Lives, Friday 11 March 3pm-4.15pm

Upcoming events in the series

Virtual Volunteering, Friday 8 April, 3pm-4.15pm

Digging Deeper: Representing Gypsy, Roma and Travelling Communities in Rural Museums, Friday 13 May, 3pm-4.15pm

Museum Futures Summit

The British Museum is hosting a one-day online summit to celebrate and learn from ten years of Heritage Fund Skills for the Future programming, which includes Museum Futures as well as dozens of traineeships across the UK.

The Museum Futures Summit aims to explore the impact and key learning outcomes of paid entry-level training programmes – including traineeships, apprenticeships, fellowships, and Kickstart placements – designed to increase representation and accessibility within the cultural heritage sector workforce.

The event will welcome past and current trainees, as well as staff working to develop and deliver training programmes, to share ideas, experiences and best practice.

Find out more about the sessions and register.

Playscapes – Lunch and Learn

In this session, Sarah Shaw (Director of Museum Tales Ltd and museum family champion), will provide top tips on producing playscapes for your museum, gallery, heritage site or cultural venue.

From outdoor playgrounds to loose parts play, she’ll be covering it all in just 30 minutes.

Book Playscapes Lunch and Learn

Playscapes – Lunch and Learn
Thursday 3 March, 12noon-12.30pm

Museums and Galleries Responding to the Climate and Ecological Crisis Conference

Following COP26 and the release of NMDC’s report ‘Green Museums: Tackling the Climate Crisis’, NMDC is convening a conference hosted at the Whitworth, University of Manchester, to explore the role of museums and galleries in combatting the climate and ecological crisis.

Museums and galleries have a unique perspective as institutions that take a long-term view with their mission to preserve collections and stories for the future. But how can they do so with the existential threat of the climate crisis? How can museums combat climate change and biodiversity loss? The conference will provide a forum to consider two key questions:

More information about the climate conference and book tickets.

Museums and Galleries Responding to the Climate and Ecological Crisis Conference
Monday 7 March and Tuesday 8 March
The Whitworth, Manchester M15 6ER

Carbon Literacy for Museums Toolkit Launch

We are delighted to announce that the new Carbon Literacy for Museum Toolkit is launching on Monday 24 January.

The new Carbon Literacy for Museums Toolkit has been developed by The Carbon Literacy Project and Museum Development North West, in collaboration with Museum Development England, museums and Julie’s Bicycle as part of the Roots & Branches project.

Museums have an important role to play in tackling the climate crisis – not only by reducing the emissions created within the museum sector, but also as storytellers, stewards, and trusted public institutions with the power to influence others.

Join us on Monday 24 January from 2pm-3.30pm on Zoom to find out more about the Toolkit, how to use it and how to access Carbon Literacy training through your Museum Development Provider. You will also hear from museums who will share their experiences of Carbon Literacy training.

Book your ticket here.

Mental Health First Aid Training

Collett Consultancy is delivering a series of Mental Health First Aid training events in partnership with
Dawn Collins, a practised and respected Mental Health First Aid trainer.

During the workshops, you will cover:

The workshops will be held via Zoom and all information will be treated as confidential. There will be scheduled breaks and support for anyone who feels vulnerable during the session. At the end of the training, you will be certified as ‘Mental Health Aware’ by MHFA England CIC.

Follow this link to register and for further information.