Disability Essentials eLearning

Disability Essentials is an eLearning programme that helps staff and volunteers ensure they are confident and skilled in their engagement with disabled people. The course combines legal expertise with the lived experience of disabled people.

Who should take the course?
This training is suitable for all museum staff and volunteers, as either an introduction or refresher training. The flexibility of the eLearning format is ideal for public-facing and operational roles, like Front of House.

Learners can save and re-enter the modules where they left off. The modules are interactive and use illustrations, videos and pop quizzes to secure learning.

Sign up anytime before 1 March 2024, learners have until 31 March 2024 to complete the modules and will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course.

Disability Essentials is available to museums in the West Midlands, freelancers and WMMD training partners who would like to enrol up to 15 team members to undertake the Disability Essentials eLearning course for free.

Find our more about the Disability Essentials eLearning Programme.

Disability Essentials eLearning Sign up – Anytime before 1 March 2024

Disability Essentials is an eLearning programme that helps staff and volunteers ensure they are confident and skilled in their engagement with disabled people. The course combines legal expertise with the lived experience of disabled people.

Who should take the course?
This training is suitable for all museum staff and volunteers, as either an introduction or refresher training. The flexibility of the eLearning format is ideal for public-facing and operational roles, like Front of House.

Learners can save and re-enter the modules where they left off. The modules are interactive and use illustrations, videos and pop quizzes to secure learning.

Sign up anytime before 1 March 2024, learners have until 31 March 2024 to complete the modules and will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course.

How to access the learning modules
Please ask each colleague to book onto the course using the booking button below.

Disability Essentials is available to museums in the West Midlands, freelancers and WMMD training partners who would like to enrol up to 15 team members to undertake the Disability Essentials eLearning course for free.

Disability Essentials eLearning
Flexible timings: undertake modules at a time and date to suit you

Winter is Coming: Maintaining collections care standards during an energy crisis

As winter approaches, and the pressure of high energy bills continues to have impact, how can museums ensure that they safely maintain their collections?

Join Jane Thompson-Webb, Conservation Team Leader at Birmingham Museum Trust for this two hour online session. Jane will look at some of the steps we can take in our collection stores, display areas and exhibition spaces to reduce our energy consumption whilst continuing to protect collections and to take forward learning experiences from last winter.

This is an updated version of last year’s ‘Winter is Coming’ workshop. You are welcome to attend again if you came along last year but this is aimed at those who are looking anew at energy bills and the impact on collection care this winter.

This online event will be auto-captioned by Zoom. If you would benefit from live captioning or any other form of access support, please answer ‘yes’ to the access requirements question on the booking form and email the WMMD team as early as possible stating the support you require.

Places are limited, no more than two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link prior to the event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email by the day before the event please contact us.

If you can’t see the booking button the event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email wmmd@ironbridge.co.uk

“Winter is Coming”: Maintaining collections care standards during an energy crisis
Tuesday 3 October, 10am-12noon

Creating Accessible Spaces for Autistic Visitors

This workshop will be an opportunity to discover the potential barriers for autistic visitors in museums and the simple steps you can take to create more accessible spaces.

The final in a series of three workshops this session will cover:

The workshop will explore themes including: Lived Experience, Ableism, Mental Health and Disability.

There will be opportunities to discuss case studies and discover practical tips.

The event will be delivered via Zoom using a range of exercises and interactive features including Polls, Chat and Breakout Rooms. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and actively participate in discussion. If you have any concerns about accessibility or usability for these features please contact wmmd@ironbridge.org.uk

About the Trainer

Emily is a late diagnosed autistic advocate, who is determined to use her lived experience to help change the narrative of what it means to be autistic. Drawing from her experience working within national and local authority museums, Emily has worked with multiple organisations to highlight that being accessible for autistic people doesn’t mean knocking down buildings and starting from scratch.

Maximum two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to delegates from non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation. 


This event will be auto-captioned through Zoom. If you would benefit from any other form of access support, including live captioning, please answer ‘yes’ to the access requirements question on the booking form and email the WMMD team as early as possible stating the support you require.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link to the training prior to the event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email the day before the event please contact us.

If you can’t see the booking button the course is fully booked. If you would like to join the waiting list please email wmmd@ironbridge.org.uk

Creating Accessible Spaces for Autistic Visitors
Wednesday 29 November, 10am-12noon

Creating Accessible Working Environments for Autistic Colleagues

This session will be an opportunity to discover the potential barriers for autistic people working in museums and the simple steps you can take to create more accessible workplaces for your autistic colleagues.

The second in a series of three workshops this session will cover:

There will be opportunities to discuss case studies and discover practical tips.

The event will be delivered via Zoom using a range of exercises and interactive features including Polls, Chat and Breakout Rooms. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and actively participate in discussion. If you have any concerns about accessibility or usability for these features please contact wmmd@ironbridge.org.uk

About the Trainer

Emily is a late diagnosed autistic advocate, who is determined to use her lived experience to help change the narrative of what it means to be autistic. Drawing from her experience working within national and local authority museums, Emily has worked with multiple organisations to highlight that being accessible for autistic people doesn’t mean knocking down buildings and starting from scratch.

Maximum two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to delegates from non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation. 


This event will be auto-captioned through Zoom. If you would benefit from any other form of access support, including live captioning, please answer ‘yes’ to the access requirements question on the booking form and email the WMMD team as early as possible stating the support you require.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link to the training prior to the event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email the day before the event please contact us.

If you can’t see the booking button the course is fully booked. If you would like to join the waiting list please email wmmd@ironbridge.org.uk

Creating Accessible Working Environments for Autistic Colleagues
Wednesday 22 November, 10am-12noon

Introduction to Autism

This session offers an introduction to autism from the lived experience perspective and will be an opportunity to find out more about what it really means to be autistic.

The first in a series of three workshops this session will cover :

The workshop will explore themes including: Lived Experience, Ableism, Mental Health, Disability and Discrimination.

The event will be delivered via Zoom using a range of exercises and interactive features including Polls, Chat and Breakout Rooms. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and actively participate in discussion. If you have any concerns about accessibility or usability for these features please contact wmmd@ironbridge.org.uk

About the Trainer

Emily is a late diagnosed autistic advocate, who is determined to use her lived experience to help change the narrative of what it means to be autistic. Drawing from her experience working within national and local authority museums, Emily has worked with multiple organisations to highlight that being accessible for autistic people doesn’t mean knocking down buildings and starting from scratch.

Maximum two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to delegates from non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation. 


This event will be auto-captioned through Zoom. If you would benefit from any other form of access support, including live captioning, please answer ‘yes’ to the access requirements question on the booking form and email the WMMD team as early as possible stating the support you require.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link to the training prior to the event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email the day before the event please contact us.

If you can’t see the booking button the course is fully booked. If you would like to join the waiting list please email wmmd@ironbridge.org.uk

Introduction to Autism
Wednesday 15 November, 10am-12noon


Safeguarding Training

Safeguarding is the range of measures we have in place to protect people within our organisation, or those we come into contact with, from abuse and maltreatment of any kind.

This course includes:

By the end of the session, delegates will:

NCVO will deliver the session via Zoom using a range of exercises and interactive features, including Breakout Rooms and Polls. The session will also include activities on Menti and Jamboards. Activities and tools will be demonstrated within the session. Participants are encouraged to join the event via a laptop or desktop computer if possible. If you have any concerns about accessibility or usability for these features please contact wmmd@ironbridge.org.uk

Who should attend?

This course is aimed at staff or volunteers in charities with responsibility for safeguarding. This may include leaders such as chief executives and directors, volunteer managers and those taking on designated safeguarding lead roles.

About the trainer

Tom Burke is an NCVO associate with extensive experience leading safeguarding and child protection training for voluntary organisations. Tom is a UK regional advisor for the Funder Safeguarding Collaborative and has led research into the role of safeguarding leads in the voluntary sector. He previously led the development of the NCVO’s safeguarding help and guidance for charities and was technical advisor on the NCVO safeguarding guidance for trustees.

Maximum two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to delegates from non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation. 

This online event will be auto-captioned by Zoom. If you would benefit from live captioning or any other form of access support, please answer ‘yes’ to the access requirements question on the booking form and email the WMMD team as early as possible stating the support you require.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link to the training prior to the event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email the day before the event please contact us.

If you can’t see the booking button the event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email wmmd@ironbridge.co.uk

Safeguarding Training
Thursday 23 November, 10am-3pm

West Midlands Museum Development Conference 2023

West Midlands Museum Development is delighted to announce details of its fifth annual conference in October.

Purpose, Practice, Pizzazz

The conference forms part of Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust (IGMT)’s Museum Development programme, funded by Arts Council England. It will be an opportunity for museums to consider their purpose in today’s challenging world. Workshops will reflect on and explore best practice from both within and outside of the heritage sector. You can also expect an added sprinkling of energy and pizzazz.

Our inspiring speakers will cover a wide range of topics including volunteering; young trustees; diversity, equity and inclusion; collections; environmental sustainability; museums for wellbeing and Arts Council’s Let’s Create strategy.

Workshops will include Co-production with Children and Young People; Explore Urban Nature through Museums; Museum Data Service; Working with Artists.

Join us in person for full access to our programme of speakers and workshops during the day and an optional evening networking event. Or join us online to watch the plenaries streamed live and access the Museum Data Service workshop.

The conference is free and includes lunch and refreshments for in person delegates. With plenty of opportunities to network and meet with sector partners including Arts Council England, this is a key date for your diary.

Travel Bursary

A limited number of travel bursaries are available for conference delegates. Applications close 5pm, Wednesday 27 September

Delegates can apply for up to £75 towards travel costs payable after the conference. Recipients of the bursary must complete the evaluation survey about their conference experiences. The bursary is only open to delegates from non-NPO museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or Working Towards Accreditation. Only one bursary per organisation.

Apply for a bursary

More information

Over the coming weeks we’ll introduce to our Conference host, Nigel Rothband, and tell you more about our inspiring plenaries, workshops and evening networking event on our Conference page.

To book, please select the conference option which suits you best: Conference and evening networking (finishing at 7pm), Conference (finishing around 5pm) or online (plenaries and Museum Data Service workshop only)

Bookings will close 12noon, Wednesday 11 October

Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust, Coalbrookdale, Telford TF8 7DQ

Registration from 9.15am

You should receive an automatic email confirmation on booking. If you don’t receive it (and it’s not in your spam folder) please email wmmd@ironbridge.org.uk and we will confirm if we have received your booking within two working days.

Using Handling Collections with Schools

Explore the principles and benefits of using museum artefacts to engage schools visiting your museum site or collection. The session will include practical advice as well as discussion on innovative ways of engaging pupils with your objects and how to encourage questioning and enquiry through hands on, discovery-based learning.

Delegates will be asked to bring an object or image of an object they are considering using with schools (either for a formal learning or object handling session) for general discussion.

The event will be facilitated by Mary Sibson, Creative Learning Officer for Creative Learning Services.

The event will also include time to explore The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum and a tour of the current Dippy the Diplodocus exhibition with The Herbert Learning Team.

Maximum two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to delegates from non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation. This event is being delivered in partnership with Museum Development East Midlands. Museums based in East Midlands can book their place here 

Dietary Requirements

Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please let us know any allergies or dietary requirements on the booking form when you book your place.


Find more information about accessibility at The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum please click here

If you would benefit from any adjustment or support for accessibility, please answer ‘yes’ to the access requirements question on the booking form and email the WMMD team as early as possible with the adjustment you require.

Using Handling Collections with Schools
Tuesday 10 October, 11am-3pm
The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry CV1 5QP

If you can’t see the booking button this event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email wmmd@ironbridge.org.uk

Essentials in Fundraising

Museum Development East Midlands (MDEM) and West Midlands Museum Development (WMMD) are delighted to be working with Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy to offer a suite of fundraising workshops for 2023/24.

The programme consists of eight, two-hour online workshops which will explore income generation from digital fundraising to developing on-site retail. Each workshop will present key theories and case studies, allowing for discussion on practical application. There is no requirement to attend every session, although they complement each other, they also work as stand-alone workshops. Read about the full programme of events.

Essentials in Fundraising

This workshop will introduce staff, Trustees and volunteers to the basics of fundraising, including key income streams and top tips for maximising success. It will support participants to review different income streams, set realistic targets and consider what is the best return on investment.

Places are very limited, maximum one delegate per organisation. Priority will be given to delegates from non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation.


This event will be auto-captioned through Zoom. If you would benefit from any other form of access support, including live captioning, please answer ‘yes’ to the access requirements question on the booking form and email the WMMD team as early as possible stating the support you require.

This event will be hosted by Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy (Cause4) on their Zoom account. By booking onto this event you give us permission to share your name, email address and access needs with them for the purpose of the event administration. The Cause4  privacy policy can be viewed here

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link to the training prior to the event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email the day before the event please contact us.

If you can’t see the booking button the course is fully booked. If you would like to join the waiting list please email wmmd@ironbridge.org.uk

Essentials in Fundraising
Wednesday 13 September, 10am-12noon