Coffee and Chatter: Buying Special

A session for museums who might be interested in connecting with others to explore joint purchasing opportunities.

Are you interested in wholesale prices, but not quantities?
Are supplier minimum orders too much for your needs?

A couple of museums have recently told us they face purchasing challenges. Bulk buying is a great opportunity to keep costs per unit low, but smaller museums can struggle to use, store or afford the quantity required by suppliers.

On Thursday 5 May West Midlands Museum Development will be hosting an extended Coffee and Chatter. This session will be an opportunity for museums facing purchasing challenges to come together and discuss whether there are opportunities to work together to reduce costs.

See if museums near you are facing the same purchasing challenges and whether you can combine buying power to save money and storage space.

It’s your chance to share what’s happening at your museum, learn what your colleagues across the sector are doing in their heritage organisations, ask the WMMD team for advice and hear about the latest sector guidance and news.

Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 992 5486 5285
Password: 579046

Coffee and Chatter will be auto-captioned.

Coffee and Chatter

Hear about the THREADS project which engaged with new and underserved communities.

Your networking opportunity

Join the WMMD team at 10.30am for a half hour of Coffee and Chatter.

It’s your chance to share what’s happening at your museum, learn what your colleagues across the sector are doing in their heritage organisations, ask the WMMD team for advice and hear about the latest sector guidance and news.

Grab your morning cuppa, exchange ideas and catch up with some friendly faces.

We will be joined by Tara Johnston-Comerford and Emma Gibbons from Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) talking about the THREADS project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

THREADS’ primary objective was to engage new and underserved communities in the RSC’s costume-making heritage. They targeted new audiences; children, young people and families; people with mental and physical disabilities; people from the global majority, and people from working class and non-working backgrounds. Tara and Emma will share their successes and learnings, reflecting on how what they have learnt through delivering such a programme during a pandemic can inform the work they continue to do.

Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 992 5486 5285
Password: 579046

Coffee and Chatter will be auto-captioned.

Applying for ACE Project Grants

Join West Midlands Museum Development (WMMD) and Sarah Waldron for this workshop on writing convincing funding applications, with a focus on National Lottery Project Grants.

Sarah will show how to present yourself and your organisation as a viable investment and how to clearly present your project. You will learn what the funder wants from your application, look at the confident writing style required and understand how to put together the supporting documentation to make your application succeed.

What are National Lottery Project Grants?

National Lottery Project Grants (Project Grants) are Arts Council England’s (ACE’s) open access programme for arts, libraries and museums project funding. Grants range from £1,000 to £100,000+; they are divided into applications for under £30,000 and applications for over £30,000.

Accredited and non-Accredited museums can apply for a Project Grant at any time, however ACE have recently introduced ‘Unlocking Collections’ as a Time Limited Priority. This means that until November 2022, ACE is prioritising and encouraging museums to apply for activity to develop their collections-based work and increase public engagement with, and use of, their collections.

Please note: the workshop will focus on writing Project Grant applications, not the Project Grant guidance or eligibility.

Bookings for this event will close 5pm, Friday 18 March.

Before the workshop

Please familiarise yourself with the guidance and eligibility criteria by reading these documents from the ACE website:

Maximum two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to delegates from non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation.

The webinar will be live captioned through StageText and MyClearText.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link to the training prior to the event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email the day before the event please contact us.

About Sarah

Sarah is a freelance consultant and bid writer, specialising in arts, heritage and community projects. She has helped many clients gain funding for the first time. Having previously worked for ACE and the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA), Sarah has extensive experience of working with a variety of organisations, giving advice and guidance on funded projects, grant management and strategic objectives.

Applying for ACE Project Grants
Wednesday 23 March, 10am-12noon

If you can’t see the booking button this event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email

Financial Responsibility for Trustees

West Midlands Museum Development (WMMD) is hosting two complementary workshops on finance for museums; one aimed at Accreditation and the second for trustees. Trustees are welcome to book either or both sessions.

The afternoon session will be led by Jane Tweedie (BSc, FCA, DChA) Senior Manager at WR Partners. This session is specifically for trustees of independent charitable museums and will be useful for both new and existing trustees.

Jane will discuss the six main duties of a trustee and how they relate to finance:

This session will support your organisation with Accreditation requirements 1. Have appropriate governance and management and 2.2. Financial sustainability.

Places are limited, no more than two trustees per organisation. Priority will be given to trustees who are part of the new West Midlands Trustee Network. Join the West Midlands Trustee Network.

The webinar will be live captioned through StageText and MyClearText.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link prior to the event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email by the day before the event please contact us.

The first workshop is Accreditation and Financial Sustainability, Wednesday 30 March, 10am-11.30am. Find out more about Accreditation and Financial Sustainability.

Financial Responsibility for Trustees
Wednesday 30 March, 1.30pm-3.30pm

If the booking button isn’t visible, this event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email

Accreditation and Financial Sustainability

West Midlands Museum Development (WMMD) is hosting two complementary workshops on finance for museums; one aimed at Accreditation and the second for trustees. Trustees are welcome to book either or both sessions.

Olivia Basterfield will lead the first workshop, focusing on the Accreditation requirement 2.2. Financial sustainability.

This session is designed to support all museums preparing an Accreditation application or return. Whether you’re an independent museum or based within a university or local authority, we’ll explore which documents to submit to Arts Council England and what your assessor will be looking for.

Places are limited, no more than two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to museums that are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation.

The webinar will be live captioned through StageText and MyClearText.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link prior to the event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email by the day before the event please contact us.

The second workshop is Financial Responsibility for Trustees, Wednesday 30 March, 1.30pm-3.30pm. Find out more about Financial Responsibility for Trustees.

If the booking button isn’t visible, this event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email

Museum Collections for Trustees: An Overview of Loans

Collections Trust, East Midlands Museum Development (MDEM) and West Midlands Museum Development (WMMD) are partnering to bring a series of three workshops for museum trustees, focusing on collections management.

We recommend you attend all three sessions, however each event works as a stand alone session should you be unable to attend all of them.

Museum Collections for Trustees: An Overview of Loans

The final session will explore the management and documentation involved when borrowing and lending objects, using the Spectrum 5.0 procedures as a framework:

There will opportunities to discuss with peers, ask questions throughout and submit questions in advance.

By the end of the session delegates will:

Before the session:

Places are limited, no more than two trustees per organisation. Priority will be given to Trustees who are part of the new West Midlands Trustee Network. To join please complete the Expression of Interest.

The sessions will be live captioned through StageText and MyClearText.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link prior to each event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email by the day before the event please contact us.

Museum Collections for Trustees: An Overview of Loans
Wednesday 8 June, 2pm-4pm

If the booking button isn’t visible the event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email

The other two sessions are:

Entering the Museum: Object Entry, Acquisition and Accessioning for Trustees

Collections Trust, East Midlands Museum Development (MDEM) and West Midlands Museum Development (WMMD) are partnering to bring a series of three workshops for museum trustees, focusing on collections management.

We recommend you attend all three sessions, however each event works as a stand alone session should you be unable to attend all of them.

Entering the Museum: Object Entry, Acquisition and Accessioning for Trustees

This second session will explore the management and documentation involved with the acquisition and accessioning of objects, using the Spectrum 5.0 procedures as a framework.

How do you manage objects coming into your organisation? Do you have problems with unsolicited donations and what can you do with the stuff you don’t want? What is important in acquisition-related decision-making?

There will opportunities to discuss with colleagues, ask questions throughout and submit questions in advance.

By the end of the session, delegates will:

Before the session:

Places are limited, no more than two trustees per organisation. Priority will be given to Trustees who are part of the new West Midlands Trustee Network. To join please complete the Expression of Interest.

The sessions will be live captioned through StageText and MyClearText.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link prior to each event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email by the day before the event please contact us.

Entering the Museum: Object Entry, Acquisition and Accessioning for Trustees
Wednesday 18 May, 2pm-4pm

If the booking button isn’t visible the event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email

The other two sessions are:

Planning for Success: Collections Development for Trustees

Collections Trust, East Midlands Museum Development (MDEM) and West Midlands Museum Development (WMMD) are partnering to bring a series of three workshops for museum trustees, focusing on collections management.

We recommend you attend all three sessions, however each event works as a stand alone session should you be unable to attend all of them.

Planning for Success: Collections Development for Trustees

This first session will focus on Collections Development Policy, exploring its role in the museum, how to develop one, and its value to the museum in a practical sense. We will consider themes relevant to the policy such as organisation responsibilities and evaluating the current state of collections.

Collections Trust will provide a brief overview of Spectrum to provide context. We will examine the Accreditation Collections Development Policy template and discuss scenarios and issues related to the different sections.

This event will be an opportunity for peer support and learning. Delegates are invited to send questions in advance, and ask questions and discuss during the session.

By the end of the session, you will:

Before the session:

There will be an optional half hour trustee networking session at the end of this event.

Places are limited, no more than two trustees per organisation. Priority will be given to Trustees who are part of the new West Midlands Trustee Network. To join please complete the Expression of Interest.

The sessions will be live captioned through StageText and MyClearText.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link prior to each event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email by the day before the event please contact us.

Planning for Success: Collections Development for Trustees 
Wednesday 27 April, 2pm-4pm

If the booking button isn’t visible the event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email

The other two sessions are:

Museums and Galleries Responding to the Climate and Ecological Crisis Conference

Following COP26 and the release of NMDC’s report ‘Green Museums: Tackling the Climate Crisis’, NMDC is convening a conference hosted at the Whitworth, University of Manchester, to explore the role of museums and galleries in combatting the climate and ecological crisis.

Museums and galleries have a unique perspective as institutions that take a long-term view with their mission to preserve collections and stories for the future. But how can they do so with the existential threat of the climate crisis? How can museums combat climate change and biodiversity loss? The conference will provide a forum to consider two key questions:

More information about the climate conference and book tickets.

Museums and Galleries Responding to the Climate and Ecological Crisis Conference
Monday 7 March and Tuesday 8 March
The Whitworth, Manchester M15 6ER

Museums and Galleries Responding to the Climate and Ecological Crisis Conference

Following COP26 and the release of NMDC’s report ‘Green Museums: Tackling the Climate Crisis’, NMDC is convening a conference hosted at the Whitworth, University of Manchester, to explore the role of museums and galleries in combatting the climate and ecological crisis.

Museums and galleries have a unique perspective as institutions that take a long-term view with their mission to preserve collections and stories for the future. But how can they do so with the existential threat of the climate crisis? How can museums combat climate change and biodiversity loss? The conference will provide a forum to consider two key questions:

More information about the climate conference and book tickets.

Museums and Galleries Responding to the Climate and Ecological Crisis Conference
Monday 7 March and Tuesday 8 March
The Whitworth, Manchester M15 6ER