Annual Museum Survey 2022 Open

The Annual Museum Survey 2022 is now open. A big thank you to all the museums who are registered to take part this year, we look forward to receiving even more returns for this survey, both regionally and nationally.

The purpose of the Annual Museum Survey is to gather evidence to help demonstrate the social and economic importance of museums to funders and stakeholders – locally, regionally and nationally – and to provide museums with data to enable them to benchmark their performance.

What’s in it for museums?

The Process

Registered museums have been invited to participate in the survey by email. The email will include a direct link to an online survey tool called SmartSurvey.

If you have not received your invitation to participate already, please do get in touch at We recommend that you save this email address to your contacts to ensure that any communications are not mislaid.

The survey questions have been provided offline below to assist you in preparing your return. Please note, the offline surveys will differ depending on whether you are a single site or a multi site organisation. The definitions will help to provide added clarity on the terminology used within the survey questions. Please note, the online survey uses logic to apply only relevant questions. Therefore, some of the offline survey questions listed below may not apply and will result in fewer questions and a shorter survey process.

If you require any further support, please contact

Find out more by visiting the South West Museum Development website.

Rethinking Cataloguing Consultation – second round now open

Collections Trust wants your feedback on their revised Spectrum Cataloguing and Use of Collections procedures.

How can museums ensure that cataloguing is an inclusive and flexible activity?

After reflecting on feedback from the first round of consultation, Collections Trust has recently launched revised versions of their Spectrum Cataloguing and Use of collections procedures.

Help shape the future of cataloguing and share your feedback on the latest draft material. You can read the full details about the revisions to both procedures and leave your feedback on the Collections Trust website.

Deadline for feedback is 5pm, 5 July.

Why not join in the conversation by sharing the campaign on social media, using the hashtag #RethinkingCataloguing.

CHWA Awards 2022 Open

The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance (CHWA) Awards are open and there are three categories:

Visit the CHWA Awards webpage to find out more about each category and how to apply.

Application deadline: 5pm, Sunday 31 July

Shortlisted projects will be published on the CHWA website in mid October. Winners will be announced at an open online event on Friday 25 November.

TWA Digitisation Grants 2022

TownsWeb Archiving (TWA) is thrilled to announce the return of the TWA Digitisation Grant 2022.

Four grants are available of £3,000 each with up to £1,000 match funding from a match funding pot.

Key dates for the diary

Applications are welcome from the following UK institutions:

What can the grant be used for?
The Grant can be used to fund the digitisation of bound books, manuscripts, oversized maps and plans, 35mm slides, microfilm/fiche, glass plate negatives, and other two-dimensional cultural heritage media.

What Next?
Find out more about the Funding Details and complete a short form to access the Grant Application.

Expressions of Interest Now Open

MDUK Volunteer Development Programme

West Midlands Museum Development and Museum Development UK are thrilled to be working in collaboration with volunteer sector specialists 10GM again to offer an intensive Volunteer Development Programme for up to 20 museums from across participating areas in the UK.

This project has arisen due to the dual challenges of a longer-term shifting volunteering workforce in the heritage sector, and the particular strains of the last two months due to the pandemic. Through the Museum Development Annual Museums Survey results, localised surveying through regional teams, and the results of the Spotlight survey in Wales, a clear need has emerged to support organisations to review their operating models to ensure volunteering is sustainable and responsive to the museums needs and the communities they serve.

Programme Aim: To support participating museums to review their volunteering strategy and explore new ways to embed sustainable volunteer development practice tailored to individual organisational needs.

Programme Outcomes: Participating museums will:

This intensive programme will allow 20 organisations from across the eight participating areas; East Midlands, East of England, North East, North West, South East, Wales, West Midlands and Yorkshire to benefit from hands on support to develop their volunteering practices, through a combination of group sessions, coaching, network building and training.

The programme will run from September 2022 to March 2023, with an expected time-commitment of 2-3 days per month. Additional work will be required to apply learning between sessions.

Please read the programme information before completing the Expression of Interest and returning to by 5pm, Monday 11 July



Volunteers’ Week 2022

Next week marks the beginning of Volunteers’ Week 2022.

Volunteers’ Week is a chance to say thank you for the fantastic contribution volunteer make.  Follow this link for ideas on how to celebrate Volunteers’ Week in 2022 and use the hashtag #VolunteersWeek on social media.

‘Volunteering is for you’ film and resources

Use the ‘Volunteering is for you’ film and toolkit guidance to celebrate and thank your volunteers via social media.

Request a copy of the toolkit and films on the Resources For All page of our website.


To celebrate Volunteers’ Week WMMD has compiled a list of useful events, resources, reports and networks for anyone who may be responsible for managing volunteers, in either a paid or voluntary capacity.


Volunteering and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


Freelance : Futures

How can we work together to improve the support for, and position of, people working freelance in the creative and cultural sector?

ACE is inviting you to join independent practitioners, cultural organisations, unions, funders and policymakers from 16 May – 15 July to learn what you can do and take action.

Register for Freelance : Futures to access resources and participate in workshops, panel discussions, self-organising spaces and virtual gatherings that will aim to help everyone play their role in building equitable conditions for freelancers.

Attendance is free and the programme is split into three phases:

Find out more about the programme and register.

Museum Estate and Development Fund (MEND) Round 2 Guidance

Arts Council England has published guidance for Round 2 of the Museum Estate and Development Fund (MEND).

The Guidance can be found here on the Arts Council England website.

This is an open-access capital fund targeted at non-national Accredited museums and local authorities based in England to apply for funding to undertake vital infrastructure and urgent maintenance backlogs which are beyond the scope of day-to-day maintenance budgets.

The criteria for the Museum Estate and Development Fund have been set by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), Arts Council England, Historic England (HE) and The National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF). The grants are administered, awarded and monitored by Arts Council England. Funding has been provided by DCMS.

There is £16.9 million available for round 2 with eligible organisation able to apply for grants of £50k and £5 million.

Key dates

The online Expression of Interest form will open on Grantium at 9am, Monday 9 May. The deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest is noon, Friday 17 June.

The full online application form will open on Grantium at noon, Monday 18 July. The deadline for submitting a full application is noon, Friday 23 September.

Decisions will be announced in March 2023.

Volunteers Recruitment Campaign Launched

WMMD is excited to announce the launch of a new Volunteers Recruitment Campaign. Watch the campaign film ‘Volunteering is for you

We’d like to say a huge thank you to all of the volunteers and staff who have contributed their time, experience, photos, videos and interviews to the campaign development.

About the campaign

The Volunteers Recruitment Campaign will support you to showcase and promote the wide range of volunteering opportunities in your museum and the wider region and aims to encourage more people to volunteer in West Midlands museums. The campaign film signposts viewers to opportunities on the WMMD Volunteers Portal.

How can your museum get involved?

The toolkit includes:

Additional Support

If you’re not feeling confident on social media and would like some expert help, or want to try something new online using the Volunteers Recruitment Social Media Toolkit, WMMD is also offering a small number of 1:1 sessions with toolkit creators Social For Good. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis to Accredited or Working Towards Accreditation museums in the West Midlands. Contact for more information.

Applications for WMMD Inclusive Museums programme open

Improve equity and inclusion in your museum

West Midlands Museum Development (WMMD) are working with NoBarriers to provide a small cohort of museums with the opportunity to receive professional training, mentoring and peer support to actively improve equity and inclusion across their organisations.

The programme will run between May 2022 and February 2023.

As a result of taking part in the programme, participants will:

About NoBarriers
NoBarriers deliver tailored approaches to increasing inclusive and equitable practice in the cultural sector, including training, advice, strategic planning, service review and community engagement.

Isilda Almeida, founder of NoBarriers, works as an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant in the culture sector and brings with her over 20 years’ experience of the UK heritage sector. Isilda will be supported by Maurice Davies, who brings nearly 40 years of experience in UK museums and galleries as a policymaker, leader and curator. He has championed equity and inclusion since the 1990s when he was editor of Museums Journal. He has advised organisations such as the Greater London Authority, the National Museum Directors Council and the National Trust on aspects of heritage and race. Most recently he has helped Museum Detox with an organisational review and, with Isilda, delivered training on museums, equity and inclusion.

Between them, Isilda and Maurice bring knowledge, professional and lived-experience, current approaches to Equity and Inclusion, contextualised by historical and political events that have shaped how museums got to where they are.

Priority will be given to non-NPO and non-National museums who are Accredited or Working Towards Accreditation and based in the West Midlands.

To discuss your application or find out more about the programme please contact

Submit your application by 1pm, Thursday 5 May 2022

Download the WMMD Inclusive Museums Application Pack