Collections Advisor Opportunity

The West Midlands Museum Development programme (WMMD) is seeking a freelance individual, agency or team to develop and lead WMMD’s collections programme in 2023/24, including collections training workshops and the provision of high-quality collections advice for museums in the region.

This is a fantastic opportunity to make change and support museum professionals across the West Midlands.

The Collections Advisor fee is a maximum of £16,000 over at least 40 days throughout the year, including VAT and any expenses.

To find out more about the role and the experience, skills and knowledge we’re looking for, please download the tender brief.

Please email your tender to by 5pm, Friday 24 February.

Applicants will be contacted to arrange an online interview to be held during the week of Monday 6 March.

Any queries or things you would like to discuss beforehand? WMMD is more than happy to discuss the programme with you beforehand and answer any queries you may have.
Please contact Olivia Basterfield to arrange a friendly, informal phone call.

New Funding Rounds Announced

Arts Council England (ACE) has announced details of the next round of programmes that make up the Cultural Investment Fund.

The programmes are:

New rounds of MEND and LIF will open in early 2023 with £22.6 million available through this round of MEND, and £10.5 million through LIF (funding amounts may be subject to DCMS business planning).

Further applications for MEND will take place in early 2024, alongside another round of CDF.

Key dates for MEND round three
Guidance published: Monday 6 February
Webinar: Monday 27 February
Expressions of Interest open: 9am, Monday 6 March to midday, Friday 21 April
Full application forms open: 9am, Tuesday 30 May to midday, Friday 18 August

You can find out more about the three programmes here on the ACE website.

Environmental Conditions – Advice for winter blackouts

Following the information about the Government Indemnity Scheme and relaxation of the lower temperature requirement to help venues turn down the dial on their heating this winter, this is some follow-on advice from the GIS Environmental Adviser about possible winter blackouts. All of the security points already circulated as advice from the National Security and Protection Manager apply to environmental control systems and monitoring equipment (Read this advice).

It is important to distinguish between rolling black-outs as currently being considered by the National Grid, and power cuts due to adverse weather conditions. The latter are ideally covered by disaster preparedness plans and measures that museums have in place already.

The rolling black-outs will be announced in advance, and it is therefore possible to prepare for them.

The brief periods without control (c 3-hour slots are being proposed?) may not be a major issue for museum environments, but GIS would advise the following:

Environmental Conditions – Temporary suspension of minimum temperature requirement

To support museums with rising energy costs throughout the winter months, Arts Council England has agreed, with DCMS, to suspend the minimum temperature requirement for the next four months (December – March).

The standard requirement for temperature is: 16°C – 24°C with a maximum fluctuation of 4°C within 24 hours. The minimum requirement of 16°C will be suspended to 31 March 2023.

This arrangement is introduced with immediate effect and is not expected to produce negative impact on collections and loan items under indemnity. This temporary arrangement requires a planned approach of gradually reducing the temperature at the beginning and restoring at end of the 4 month period, to create a slow and gradual change to the period with no minimum temperature control; and in agreement with owners/ lenders.

This temporary arrangement is supported by the Government Indemnity Scheme (GIS) Environmental Adviser who will assess submitted temperature data accordingly.

GIS continues to require environmental conditions to be maintained 24 hours a days, 7 days a week throughout the loan period from the time the indemnified object arrives until it departs from the loan venue in accordance with Annex D of the GIS Guidelines for National and Non National institutions. Relative humidity, temperature, light and UV levels are to be monitored through the loan period in the space within which the indemnified object is contained.

For general or environmental advice, email

Read the Arts Council England post

2023 Sandford Awards – Call for Entries

The awards are non-competitive and provide an independent, quality assured assessment of your learning programmes. The six criteria underpinning the Sandford Award assessment provide a framework for success whether you are looking to gain the recognition your learning programmes deserve or seeking to develop the quality of your learning provision.

To find out more about the Sandford Award scheme and how to enter, please visit
Heritage Education Trust: Home of the Sandford Award

Closing date: 5pm, Friday 17 February

Winter blackouts – how to be prepared

In response to concerns over possible winter energy blackouts, Arts Council England has offered some actions that museums and other cultural venues should be aware of. Being proactive and taking actions now will help organisations to be better prepared should the sector experience power blackouts later on.

Pay in Museums

Museums Association has published its Salary Research and Recommendations 2022 report. It highlights the serious issues around low pay in the museum sector.

This report aims to provide clear and accurate data on the current state of pay levels in the museum sector, covering both support and specialist jobs as well as management. It also examines staff benefits, and some of the changes that have occurred since the previous Salary Guidelines were published in 2017.

Read more about the report.

NPO Announcement Date

A new date has been set for the announcement of Arts Council England’s 2023-26 investment programme.

In a statement, ACE said: “In agreement with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, we are pleased to confirm that all our 2023-26 Investment Programme applicants will receive decisions from us on Friday 4 November 2022.

“We apologise for the uncertainty this delay has caused and thank applicants for their patience. We have contacted all applicants to let them know of the new announcement date.”

Arts Council England delays investment programme announcement

Following discussions with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), Arts Council England has agreed to delay the announcement of the organisations joining our 2023-26 Investment Programme, due to take place on 26 October.

The announcement of the portfolio will instead be made as soon as possible within the coming days.

Read the statement in full.

VAT Refund Scheme Reopened

DCMS is pleased to announce that the VAT Refund Scheme for museums and galleries has now reopened for applications. The latest guidance for museums looking to apply can be found here.

Museums may request an application form by emailing In order to apply, museums must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Museums and galleries will also be required to complete a strategic business case as part of the application process, which must include:

Applications will close at 5pm, Thursday 5 January 2023. Museums may direct any enquires they have about the scheme to