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Coffee and Chatter with Kids in Museums

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Date: Thursday 14th July 2022

Join the WMMD team at 10.30am for a half hour of Coffee and Chatter.

Grab your morning cuppa, exchange ideas and catch up with some friendly faces.

This month Kids in Museums will join us to talk about their latest Manifesto and how to get involved in Takeover Days.

The Kids in Museums Manifesto is a set of simple guidelines for museums, heritage sites and cultural organisations created with children, young people and families. It sets out what they feel makes a heritage site a great place to visit. The first Manifesto was created in 2003 and has continued to develop with feedback from children, young people and families on their experiences of heritage and cultural days out. The current version was launched in March 2022.

Takeover Day is when museums, galleries, historic homes, archives and heritage sites invite young people in to take over jobs normally done by adults and on Digital Takeover Day young people are empowered to make their voices heard by taking control of museums’ social media accounts for the day.

Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 992 5486 5285
Password: 579046

Coffee and Chatter will be auto-captioned.

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