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Collections Review

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Date: Thursday 9th February 2023

Museum Development East Midlands and West Midlands Museum Development are running three Midlands-wide workshops with Collections Trust.

This session will explore the Spectrum secondary procedure Collections review and how collections reviews can be used as part of good collections management practice.

By the end of the session you’ll understand and be able to apply the Spectrum Collections review procedure.

We’ll discuss how a collections reviews can help you to understand the significance of your collections, identify opportunities to develop under-used collections and understand what your users find interesting. This information is a valuable first step to inform forward planning, your collections development policy, and help shape future rationalisation projects.

Attendees will learn:

  • How to understand and apply the Spectrum Collections review procedure

Before the session attendees should look at:

  • The Spectrum Collections review procedure
  • Their organisation’s Collections Development Policy. What does it say about collections review?

Maximum two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to delegates from non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation. 

If you would benefit from live captioning or any other form of access support, please answer ‘yes’ to the access requirements question on the booking form and email the WMMD team as early as possible stating the support you require.

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link to the training prior to the event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email the day before the event please contact us.

If you can’t see the booking button the event if fully booked. To join the waiting list please email

Collections Review
Thursday 9 February, 10am-12noon

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