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Cultural Participation Monitor

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By The Audience Agency / Posted on Monday 31st January 2022

The Audience Agency has published initial findings from the November 2021 wave of its Cultural Participation Monitor.

Read the key points from the Cultural Participation Monitor.

The Audience Agency (TAA) is also holding a series of discussions about audiences within specific areas around the UK.

These sessions will include sharing of data about the local population and audiences, from a range of sources (including Audience Finder Data Tools, Audience Spectrum segmentation, Area Profile Reports and more). TAA will share what it’s learned from looking at this data, hear how it fits with your own insights about local audiences, and discuss what it all might mean for your audience and community engagement. If you would like to request a free event in your area please contact The Audience Agency at If you would like to request a free event in your area please contact us at

Find out more about the Place Based Insights Sessions.

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