Income Generation Workshops

Two more workshops open for booking

Museum Development East Midlands (MDEM) and West Midlands Museum Development (WMMD) are delighted to be working with Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy to offer a suite of fundraising workshops for 2023/24.

The programme consists of eight, two-hour workshops which will explore income generation from digital fundraising to developing onsite retail. Each online session will present key theories and case studies, allowing for discussion on their practical application. There is no requirement to attend every session, although they complement each other, they also work as standalone workshops.

Places are very limited; only one delegate per organisation.

The workshop schedule is:

Online Ticketing

Museum Development East Midlands (MDEM) and West Midlands Museum Development (WMMD) are delighted to be working with Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy to offer a suite of fundraising workshops for 2023/24.

The programme consists of eight, two-hour online workshops which will explore income generation from digital fundraising to developing on-site retail. Each workshop will present key theories and case studies, allowing for discussion on practical application. There is no requirement to attend every session, although they complement each other, they also work as stand-alone workshops. Read about the full programme of events.

Online Ticketing 
Tuesday 24 October, 10am-12noon
This session will support participants to consider ticketing events, one-off activity or on an ongoing basis for their museums  Attendees will gain an understanding into online ticketing; consider how to integrate ticketing into day to day activities; and cover key things to consider when choosing a system to use.

Places are very limited, maximum one delegate per organisation. Priority will be given to delegates from non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation.


This event will be auto-captioned through Zoom. If you would benefit from any other form of access support, including live captioning, please answer ‘yes’ to the access requirements question on the booking form and email the WMMD team as early as possible stating the support you require.

This event will be hosted by Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy (Cause4) on their Zoom account. By booking onto this event you give us permission to share your name, email address and access needs with them for the purpose of the event administration. The Cause4  privacy policy can be viewed here

All participants will receive an email containing a Zoom link to the training prior to the event. The email will be sent to the email address used for booking. If you have not received an email the day before the event please contact us.

If you can’t see the booking button the course is fully booked. If you would like to join the waiting list please email

Art Fund: Going Places Collaboration and Network Building Events  (26 October)

Art Fund is launching a new UK-wide programme, ‘Going Places’, that aims to engage and involve underrepresented audiences with museum collections through high quality, collaborative touring exhibitions and public programmes. The project will establish five networks of 3-5 small to mid-sized museums, with each network producing two touring exhibitions over five years (2025-2030).

It has received a development phase grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund to establish Going Places, and is currently seeking applications from interested museums, galleries, arts organisations and/ or networks of these. Further details of the project can be found here:

Thursday 21 September, 10.30 – 16.45, Amgueddfa Ceredigion Museum, Aberystwyth, Wales, (a bilingual event – we welcome participation in Welsh) 

Wednesday 27 September, 10.30 – 16.45, Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum, Lisburn, Northern Ireland 

Wednesday 11 October, 10.00 – 14.15, online 

Thursday 26 October, 10.00 – 14.15, online (a bilingual event – we welcome participation in Welsh) 

These Collaboration and Network Building events will introduce participants to the programme whilst enabling museums to build connections with organisations that share common interests and explore opportunities for working collaboratively, along with the audience benefits this brings. We strongly recommend that anyone interested in applying attend if possible.

The full programme, along with how to sign up, can be found here:



Art Fund: Going Places Collaboration and Network Building Events  (11 October)

Art Fund is launching a new UK-wide programme, ‘Going Places’, that aims to engage and involve underrepresented audiences with museum collections through high quality, collaborative touring exhibitions and public programmes. The project will establish five networks of 3-5 small to mid-sized museums, with each network producing two touring exhibitions over five years (2025-2030).

It has received a development phase grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund to establish Going Places, and is currently seeking applications from interested museums, galleries, arts organisations and/ or networks of these. Further details of the project can be found here:

Thursday 21 September, 10.30 – 16.45, Amgueddfa Ceredigion Museum, Aberystwyth, Wales, (a bilingual event – we welcome participation in Welsh) 

Wednesday 27 September, 10.30 – 16.45, Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum, Lisburn, Northern Ireland 

Wednesday 11 October, 10.00 – 14.15, online 

Thursday 26 October, 10.00 – 14.15, online (a bilingual event – we welcome participation in Welsh) 

These Collaboration and Network Building events will introduce participants to the programme whilst enabling museums to build connections with organisations that share common interests and explore opportunities for working collaboratively, along with the audience benefits this brings. We strongly recommend that anyone interested in applying attend if possible.

The full programme, along with how to sign up, can be found here:



Art Fund: Going Places Collaboration and Network Building Events 

Art Fund is launching a new UK-wide programme, ‘Going Places’, that aims to engage and involve underrepresented audiences with museum collections through high quality, collaborative touring exhibitions and public programmes. The project will establish five networks of 3-5 small to mid-sized museums, with each network producing two touring exhibitions over five years (2025-2030).

It has received a development phase grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund to establish Going Places, and is currently seeking applications from interested museums, galleries, arts organisations and/ or networks of these. Further details of the project can be found here:

Thursday 21 September, 10.30 – 16.45, Amgueddfa Ceredigion Museum, Aberystwyth, Wales, (a bilingual event – we welcome participation in Welsh) 

Wednesday 27 September, 10.30 – 16.45, Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum, Lisburn, Northern Ireland 

Wednesday 11 October, 10.00 – 14.15, online 

Thursday 26 October, 10.00 – 14.15, online (a bilingual event – we welcome participation in Welsh) 

These Collaboration and Network Building events will introduce participants to the programme whilst enabling museums to build connections with organisations that share common interests and explore opportunities for working collaboratively, along with the audience benefits this brings. We strongly recommend that anyone interested in applying attend if possible.

The full programme, along with how to sign up, can be found here:



Coffee and Chatter: Ionising Radiation: The Hazard Lurking in the Basement or in Plain Sight?

Grab your morning cuppa…

Join the WMMD team and our guest speaker Tony Butterworth. Tony is the Radiation Protection Adviser and Radioactive Waste Adviser, University of Bristol and will give an informal introduction to the range of ionising radiation hazards which museums may encounter or may not be aware of; from collections and exhibits to radon gas within buildings, and discuss the applicable UK legislation, government regulation and the cost of getting it wrong.

This talk may be useful for relevant museum heads of service, curators and conservation managers, and also those in a senior role within facilities management.

Coffee and Chatter is also the perfect opportunity to share what’s happening at your museum, exchange ideas with colleagues across the region and hear about the latest sector guidance and news.


Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 992 5486 5285
Password: 579046

Coffee and Chatter will be auto-captioned.

Coffee and Chatter: From managing employees to managing volunteers 

Grab your morning cuppa…

Join the WMMD team and our guest speaker Sebastian Amos, Transport Museum Wythall. Sebastian found that after spending many years managing groups of engineers the change of approach required to manage volunteers was a whole new ball game. We will explore his journey, the issues and benefits.

Coffee and Chatter is also the perfect opportunity to share what’s happening at your museum, exchange ideas with colleagues across the region and hear about the latest sector guidance and news.


Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 992 5486 5285
Password: 579046

Coffee and Chatter will be auto-captioned.

Coffee and Chatter: National Lottery Project Grants

Grab your morning cuppa…

Join the WMMD team and our guest speakers Zelina Garland-Rowan and Stuart Tulloch from Arts Council England (ACE). Zelina and Stuart will give an introduction to National Lottery Project Grants, ACE’s open access programme for arts, libraries and museums projects. The fund supports thousands of individual artists, community and cultural organisations of all sizes, regardless of Accredited status, awarding grants of £1,000 up to £100,000. We’ll discuss eligibility, how a grant can support your museum, and how to get further advice with an application.

Coffee and Chatter is also the perfect opportunity to share what’s happening at your museum, exchange ideas with colleagues across the region and hear about the latest sector guidance and news.


Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 992 5486 5285
Password: 579046

Coffee and Chatter will be auto-captioned.

Using Handling Collections with Schools

Explore the principles and benefits of using museum artefacts to engage schools visiting your museum site or collection. The session will include practical advice as well as discussion on innovative ways of engaging pupils with your objects and how to encourage questioning and enquiry through hands on, discovery-based learning.

Delegates will be asked to bring an object or image of an object they are considering using with schools (either for a formal learning or object handling session) for general discussion.

The event will be facilitated by Mary Sibson, Creative Learning Officer for Creative Learning Services.

The event will also include time to explore The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum and a tour of the current Dippy the Diplodocus exhibition with The Herbert Learning Team.

Maximum two delegates per organisation. Priority will be given to delegates from non-NPO and non-National museums in the West Midlands which are Accredited or officially Working Towards Accreditation. This event is being delivered in partnership with Museum Development East Midlands. Museums based in East Midlands can book their place here 

Dietary Requirements

Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please let us know any allergies or dietary requirements on the booking form when you book your place.


Find more information about accessibility at The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum please click here

If you would benefit from any adjustment or support for accessibility, please answer ‘yes’ to the access requirements question on the booking form and email the WMMD team as early as possible with the adjustment you require.

Using Handling Collections with Schools
Tuesday 10 October, 11am-3pm
The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry CV1 5QP

If you can’t see the booking button this event is fully booked. To join the waiting list please email

Call for Papers – Collaboration in Conservation Conference

The Collaboration in Conservation Conference, organised by North West Conservators Group is taking place on Friday 24 November in Liverpool.

What does Collaboration in Conservation mean to you? Is it a collaborative engagement project, co-production of an exhibition, or new ways of presenting or negotiating conservation needs?

What are your experiences of the constraints, benefits and impact of collaborating within the conservation profession? How have you bridged the silos between your colleagues, departments or partner institutions, and what tips and tricks can you share to help others?

To express an interest in presenting or to have an informal discussion please email Irit Narkiss, North West Conservators Group

The deadline for abstract submissions is 1pm, Monday 2 October

Find out more about the Collaboration in Conservation Conference