Sector Challenges

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Museums and heritage organisations face challenges from outside of the sector such as the cost of living crisis and the coronavirus pandemic. This section of our website focuses on current challenges to the sector and provides specific advice and general support pages.

Keep up to date with advice and guidance from across the sector grouped under the following headings:

  • Coronavirus
  • Energy and Cost of Living Crisis
  • Environmental
  • Museums Facing Closure
  • Collections Care
  • Wellbeing
  • Restructuring and Redundancy


A range of advice and guidance for the sector around coronavirus.

Energy and Cost of Living Crisis

Useful information for tackling the Energy Crisis and Cost of Living Crisis.


Useful links to websites, training and resources focusing on the environment and the sector

Museums facing closure

Museum funders and sector bodies have an agreed co-ordinated approach in response to situations when museums or collections are at risk.

Collections care

Find advice and guidance on collections care during challenging times.


Find information about advice on how to support people through this challenging time.

Restructuring and Redundancy

This page aims to provide links to resources to help organisations and individuals through restructuring and redundancy.  It is being updated regularly so please check back for updates.

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